Final Task Planning: Other Information

 Madelyn Argueta 

AICE Media Studies


2/1/24-2/10/24: Filming will begin. We will try to film most of our shots/scenes between these days and go in chronological order of the scenes. 

2/19/24: We will wrap up filming and do retakes if needed.  

2/10/24-3/8/24: Editing will commence. From the scenes we have filmed (chronologically) I will insert them into Cap Cut gradually throughout the filming process and before 3/8/24. 


We will be filming at Giovanna’s house (Group member), the street in front of Giovanna’s house, and a nearby Target. 



Giovanna Pereira- Big sister 

Agatha França- Sister's friend 1 

Isabella França - Sister's friend 2 

Michael Edmonson- Spooky 

Daniel Pereira- Little brother 


Madelyn Argueta 


Madelyn Argueta  

Shadae Bennet  


Madelyn Argueta 

Health and safety  

To ensure the safety of our cast and crew, a first aid kit will be provided on set in case of accidents or mishaps. We have also ensured that all locations for filming provide easy access to an ambulance or medic if needed. In case of an emergency, all cast and crew must always carry a cell phone on them in case we need to call 911. All forms of weaponry used in any or all scenes will be either dull or fake, to ensure no get hurt.  

Backup Plan 

One of our main concerns with filming this movie is if one of our actors (specifically the person playing the role of the haunting spirit) cancels on us. For that reason, we have another person to play that role as a backup just in case our main actor cancels at the last minute. A few scenes of our movie will be filmed at a store. Our plan is to film the scene at target, but if we are unable to film there, then we will to a Publix or a TJ Maxx store near my home. 


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