Production Blog: Coming together!

 Madelyn Argueta

AICE Media Studies Period 6

Hello everyone,  


Today I began my first day of editing my music video! The first thing I did when it came down to the editing aspect of my music video was open Cap cut. For my music video I will only be using Cap Cut to edit because it is easier for me to use and figure out. Next, I imported all my clips into my editing software in chronological order. Once I added in all of my clips, I noticed that my music video was too long, so I had to shorten some scenes. The clips I tweaked were when my main character (Justin Bieber) and the love interest go up the escalators, when the main love interest gets up and walks towards Starbucks after studying, and some of the solo dance scene of Justin Bieber. Once I shortened my clips, I noticed it was still a little bit too long. To fix this issue I decided to keep on editing. But I still noted some scenes that could possibly be shortened a little bit more. At the end I will decide what clips can be shortened and what isn't necessary to still project the message, tone, and theme I want the music video to show. To continue, I saw that Cap Cut had a feature where I could look up songs and import them straight from the app, so I decided to test it out. Once, I tried looking up my song I had trouble finding it. So, I decided to look for an external website to download my song and import it into Cap Cut. I ended up finding an external website with my song and had some trouble downloading the song. So, I decided to play around with some of the options and ended up figuring out how to download the song. Then I went ahead and imported it to Cap Cut with all of my clips. The last thing I did today when it came down to the editing aspect of this project was add in some transitions. The first transition I added was a fast zoom in between the scenes where Justin Bieber drinks coffee and the dancing scene of Justin Bieber. The last transition I added today was a fade in and fade out transition at the beginning of my music video and at the end of my music video to emphasize when it is beginning and when its ending. Overall, I have made quite a bit of progress with my editing so far but there is still more to come. 


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