Movie Research: Murder Mystery Two

Madelyn Argueta AICE Media Studies Period 6 The movie that I used for research was Murder Mystery 2. 1. What conventions of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? - A convention that I want to base our final task on is the suspense aspect of the thriller genre. Another convention that I found interesting to base our final task on was the numerous characters that were involved and how it created this mysterious atmosphere where you don't know who's involved or whether the main characters are on the right track to figuring out who did it. I also want to include the same tension builder found in this film, specifically how every time they believed they were getting close to figuring out the truth, something went wrong. 2. What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked? - Something that I really liked was the slow-motion pan that was edited into the movie because it added suspense to the film. I also li...